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Message from our Founder

Skincare is about beauty. But it’s also about self-power. It’s about letting you be able to stand tall in the light, instead of feeling like your face or body should be hiding in the dark.

It’s amazing what can happen when you feel good in your skin.

Have you ever struggled with bad acne, dry skin, eczema spots, oil patches, reactive bumps? Aren't you tired of being told by corporations that you "must" do this or that because you have a certain type of skin.

You want a solution.

Large beauty corporations often have products that promise you a lot, but most of the time, they just don’t work. And if they do… then until they don’t.

Your skin is not the problem.

Your skin is unique just like you, and it has it’s own problems that you need to understand.

So I'll let you in on a secret.

There is no such thing as skin type.

Those names you hear like oily, dry, combo, mature, sensitive... they are all just labels these companies use to convince you to use their product over the tens of thousands other products out there. There really is no such thing as the same skin type for anyone. Your skin is unique to you, and to only you, and so should the products that you use be.

Your skin changes. This is why your favourite product will stop working after a few months. It's not that this product has changed, but your skin has changed and adapted. Seasons, environments you're in, stress levels... all change, and so will what your skin needs.

I want you to always feel comfortable in your skin.

I want you to feel the power of organic products and how they nurture, care for, and heal your skin.

I want you to reconnect with your body and your mind and everything our natural world offers.

And this is why I created Delune. From me, to you. Like the moon to the earth.

With love,